Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Brown Hug Day

You will find no links to this holiday, because it exists only in my mind.

During my first year at Queen's, I became fast friends with another Maritimer who lived on my floor. Anyone who not only participates in my childish antics, but does me one better, is a friend for life.

I was the small town overachieving white kid; she was the Newfie Muslim. What a combination were we! Our best creation, which lives on to this day, is Brown Hug Day.

My friend explained to me that, when she was very small, she thought that "Groundhog Day" was Brown Hug Day. On this day, all the white people would show their appreciation for their brown friends and give them hugs.

Isn't that awesome? I thought so. The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. We started spreading the word amongst our friends and families. We hugged everyone we knew, and demanded hugs from others. Many people shook their heads at us; the vast majority, however, smiled.

No matter what colour you happen to be, take a moment today to say, "Happy Brown Hug Day" to someone you know. It doesn't even matter if they are brown. Random hugs are an endangered service in this impersonal world of ours.

It's corny, it's silly, and it's right up my alley.

Happy Brown Hug Day!


Anonymous said...

lol im happy to see that people have taken this seriously but you're mistaken... hug a brown person day is on May 7th! so how about we all celebrate hug a brown person day on may 7th and spread the love!!

Abby said...

There is an actual day? Whoohoo! That makes it much more fun. :)