Friday, February 1, 2008

Don't like snow? Why are you here, then?

This one is short and sour instead of sweet.

Today, wandering around my not-so-redneck mountain town, I ran into two older gentlemen talking about the weather. Having nothing better to do, I eavesdropped as I cautiously followed them down the rutted, icy sidewalk.

First, they complained about the frigid temperatures of last week. Then, they started in on how much snow we had, how more was on the way, how the last two years were too much shoveling, etc. etc. I happen to know that both of them have lived in this town their entire lives, and have the financial means to move elsewhere.

If you don't like it, why don't you move? Obviously these men know that they live in a town that sits in one of the snowiest places on the planet.

I'm of the opinion (for today anyway) that if you don't like something, be constructive and use your energy to change it. Don't waste my time and your energy complaining about something you cannot change. The only thing you can change is your location.

That's all I have to say about that.

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