Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The NDP play hardball

For some reason, when I wrote a complaint letter to Jack Layton several years ago, I was added to the NDP’s mass mailing list.

By virtue of my own laziness, I remain on the list to this day. Once again, laziness proves fruitful for accidental amusement.

Jack Layton and the NDP are, as a federal political party, deeply concerned with helping Canadians and voicing these concerns in the Commons.

Oh wait. No they aren’t. They are concerned with the interest rates on your major credit cards.

That’s right. Forget governance. No one listens to all that whining anyway, particularly the “we don’t have a majority but we rule with an iron fist” Conservatives.

Jack Layton wants to stick it to the Conservatives and their big banker buddies by urging thousands of Canadians to demand lower credit card interest rates.

Now, I’m not implying that Canadians aren’t carrying massive amounts of debt on high interest credit cards, and that it isn’t a worry. We all worry about debt. But really, Jack, don’t you have more pressing issues to pursue? Or more effective ways to pick at Harper?

Because, quite honestly, he’s going to laugh when he reads this email. Don’t worry, someone will forward it to him. Maybe even me.

It’s just amusing that the NDP is so concerned about this, considering their own spending track record. Actually, it rather makes sense. Jack must be trying to improve his credit record before the next election.

Thank goodness for politicians. Otherwise, we’d only have celebrities and the monarchy to ridicule.


targetthyself said...
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targetthyself said...

I'm not going pretend that i understand totally what the Canadian "Conservative movement" is all about but if its anything like ours, then it will go from amusing to annoying to disgusting, in a short amount of time.

You see here our "democracy" has been turned into a slogan, a bumper sticker, a lapel pin. We've totally forgotten what we meant when we defined it that July 200 some years ago, "Freedom" has slowly been turned to politically correct semi-free Speech, Imperialistic Elected Government.

The system is totally broken, we can't impeach anybody, congress has refused to even consider it, we are split on weather or not our computer information, and phone calls should be monitored to try and catch "terrorists", this is the stuff that 50 years ago would have labeled you a Communist. But not only did Bush's neo-con supreme court pass the "Patriot act" but they didn't even read the damn thing.

Corrupt Politicians are using taxpayer dollars to name libraries, and build statues in their "honor".

The Republicans to my shock have nominated McCain, WHO IS RUNNING TO BE THE THIRD TERM OF BUSH/CHANNEY.

The duo that lied to the American people to indenture support for a war they have yet to even tell us why we are fighting.

A duo who recently, when the casualty figures reached over 4000 in the 6 years of the war, said and I’m paraphrasing "So, they're Volunteers"


Basically we Dems can't even win when the deck is stacked in our favor. 83% of the nation believes that its time to go. i still see defeat.

I fear we may be sowing the seeds of our own demise if and when it ever happens.

I see now why, when George Washington left the stage for the final time as the president of the United States of America, He begged us not to have these political parties.
So, good luck with that one.

Now, that im done the diatribe ill simply state, NOBODY PLAYS HARDER, HARDBALL THEN THESE **&**&*%. The German's in the 40's shutter around these people, the only group that played harder in history so far, I'm aware of. Was Vlad The Impaler's march across Holland after being imprisoned for 12 years.

Hope you have better luck then we did.

Abby said...

Thanks for the input.

Basically, the Conservatives in Canada have a minority government, so their every move should be held up to the light for scrutiny.

Unfortunately, they have the three opposition parties (Liberal, NDP, and Bloc) quivering and running scared. The only thing worse than a Conservative minority is a majority, and they fear that is what will happen if an election is triggered.

Which they might as well do, because the Conservatives rule in majority anyway.

The party system is just a waste of time and space.

It hasn't reached the point that the US political system has, but it isn't far behind, either.