Do you spank your kids? Were you spanked as a child yourself?
Apparently you and your kids are headed down a long slippery slope.
I opened this article with my inner skeptic already perked. It just worsened the further I read.
Psychologists don't like spanking. I've known this for years. Spanking kids makes them more violent, causes distress, etc. etc. blah blah.
My mom spanked me. My friend's mom spanked me. You can be damn sure if they did, I certainly deserved it. I'm not psychologically scarred in any way. In fact, I'd probably be more of a delinquent if they hadn't deterred me from my evil ways. No threat ever worked quite as well as a swat on the bum.
This article on spanking claims that I am not the norm, but the exception. As a spanked child that functions normally in adulthood, I am likened to a smoker who reaches the age of 60 without lung cancer. It doesn't make smoking good for you, it just means that person is lucky.
Linked with spanking are apparent higher rates of partner abuse, crime, violence, and my personal favourite, sexual deviance.
Scientists have also recently found a link between married couples and pancreas size. You can find a link anywhere if you look hard enough for one.
I'm not saying a daily spanking, prolonged spanking, or smacking your kids across the face is okay. Far from it. That is wrong. Any action based on anger is wrong. An occasional smack on the butt as a disciplinary tactic is an entirely different matter.
I would invite any of these scientists performing such a study to operate as a substitute teacher or caregiver for a week to test out their theories. To live with obstinate kids who will not change their behaviour, who are rude, billigerent, violent and ill-behaved (and have never been physically disciplined). I personally suggest the 12 to 14 year old range for maximum effect.
These children are immune to current popular forms of discipline. They are savvy little sneaks who know exactly what they can get away with. No punishment fazes them; they have been allowed to run over everyone since birth. Many times attempted discipline is thwarted by the parents themselves, who teach disrespect to their children through their lack of discipline.
These same psychologists will also tell you that children don't develop the ability to understand reason or consequence until they approach the age of ten. Why then do they advocate reasoning as an explanation for punishment with these same kids?
A little healthy fear and respect would do them all a world of good. If a psychologist wanted to train a rat not to touch something, it would use a pain stimulus as a deterrent. What's good for rats is good for brats, I say.
What avenue of discipline remains for parents? For educators? For any of us?
What do you thnk
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Spank your kids? Might as well hand them a cigarette
Posted by
11:46 AM
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I think a swat on the butt when delivered out of love isn't a bad idea. I was spanked once or twice, lol and I guess I am not in the norm either because as far as I can tell, I don't suffer any of the afflictions you mentioned that I should have. I spanked my kids too when they deserved it and they are both viable, high functioning adults now who understand the value of life's lessons and consequences for their actions. They don't expect a free ride in life and are willing to work for what they want. Both of them have a strong sense of right and wrong and understand respect for others and themselves. In my humble opinion, too many people have kids and then expect others to attend to their discipline because they are too busy or too lazy. I am not sure which it is! I say, if you are going to have kids, then damn well get off your ass and make them mind you instead of yelling at them from the couch. Geez!
I think I wasn't spanked nearly enough as a child. Thank goodness I'm making up for it as an adult!
Miss you and the smallish dog!
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